What Is the Criminal Penalty for Elder Abuse?
Elder abuse is a serious matter for which state and federal laws impose heavy punishment. It is punishable by law nationwide, and many states have special laws that enact harsher...
Understanding the Nursing Home Reform Act
Nursing home abuse is a widespread problem affecting many seniors and their families in the United States. Unfortunately, addressing abuse cases in these facilities continues to be challenging for various...
Patient’s Rights Violations in California
Many patients in hospitals and 24/7 care facilities rely on their nurses and caregivers for the most basic of activities like sitting up, drinking, eating, standing to go to the...
How to Report Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect in California
Nursing homes are responsible for providing the utmost care and attention to their elderly residents. But, all too often, nursing home residents fall victim to neglectful institutions or abuse from...
California Elder Abuse Laws – Criminal and Civil
Issues that directly affect the elderly such as elder abuse and neglect are not new in the United States. However, these offenses are a growing concern as the older population...